Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Am Thankful For the Doctrine of Gratitude

So, not only am I writing this blog, but I was asked on Sunday to speak next Sunday on developing an attitude of gratitude. Can I just say, first off, that I really wish those words didn't rhyme? I worked on my talk today and had to make sure I didn't put them anywhere near each other- I HATE rhyming, unless I'm reciting poetry. Which I AM doing in my talk, so that's plenty. Anyhow. Having a thankful heart is one of my soapbox issues... and since, from my soapbox, I usually only reach... well... me... I'm excited to get to speak about this topic. It means a lot to me.

One thing I realized, while I was formulating my thoughts earlier, is that I am incredibly grateful that I've been taught all my life that gratitude is a commandment. I really think "commandment," with its modern connotations, is a terrible word for the expectations Heavenly Father set out for us. I much prefer guidelines... blueprints... advice. Or maybe just... "Plan of Happiness." Diligently following the commandment to be grateful has turned out to be single most instrumental piece of the puzzle of happiness in my life. Gratitude has successfully filled every hole that ever needed filling. And maybe it's turned me into an insufferable Pollyanna-type, but I can live with that. In fact, I can't live without that.

I found this verse in my research today, and I love it: "And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." (Doctrine and Covenants 78:19) 

I can definitely live with that.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I Am Thankful For Prayer

One of the first songs I ever learned in voice lessons when I was young was "Christopher Robin is Saying His Prayers." There was a line I didn't quite understand, back then: "Hush! hush! whisper who dares! Christopher Robin is saying his prayers." Teaching my children how to pray has given that silly little song new meaning. Christopher Robin is a representation of all children, and I imagine that when my children say their prayers at night, not even the angels would dare whisper over them. I imagine that Damien's earnest pleas that our new cat will be less scared tomorrow are taken as seriously as they are offered. I imagine that every night when Lyric gets to "in the name of Jesus Christ" and giggles with glee over the name, its owner laughs with her. I imagine that every time one of God's tiniest children speaks to Him, a hush falls in the Heavens, that their voices won't be drowned out.

Most importantly, I believe that every one of us is a child of that same Great Listener. And I believe that He leans as intently to hear me as He does my children. I am so thankful to be heard.

Friday, November 1, 2013

I Am Thankful For November... and sharing

Last year Thanksgiving came too early. I decided to write a gratitude post every day of the month leading up to it, and there weren't enough days! This year is one of those awesome years that only happens every so often, when Thanksgiving is as late as it can possibly be: November 28.

Growing up, I really disliked those years. In my family, it's a tradition to kick off Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. We put up the Christmas tree, we watched Christmas movies, we ate Christmas candy (and Thanksgiving leftovers), and settled in with the lights and sparkles to enjoy the Christmas season. The problem here? My birthday is November 29. Those years, I still enjoyed our family tradition, but always with a selfish little sense of being pushed to the side on a day to which I felt personally entitled.

How silly of me!

I wish that I had learned to share that day with the Christ-child. Knowing Him as I know Him now, I would have realized that He- the Giver of all- would have been perfectly happy to share it with me. This year, I'm thankful that I get to celebrate my birthday on the day after Thanksgiving. I can't wait that long to put up my Christmas tree- fortunately, I'm the mistress of my own household now so it'll probably go up tomorrow (muahahaha). But the day after Thanksgiving will still be filled with Christmas movies and candy and lights and sparkles, and maybe a birthday cake. And definitely the Spirit of Christ, the baby who gave all.

So that's it, folks: today I am thankful that I get to share my birthday with Christmas. And also, that I get to write so many gratitude posts this year. If ever you seek happiness, seek gratitude. Happiness always hides behind a thankful heart.